High Horizons Learning Center believes that each child is a unique individual who has boundless potential and must be given every chance to develop physically, intellectually, socially, emotionally, and spiritually. In order to harness all his/her faculties, talents, and abilities, he/she must be provided with a loving, understanding, and encouraging environment conducive to realizing his/her potential, responsibilities in society, mission in life, and destiny in God.
High Horizons Learning Center is a Filipino, God-centered School that forms citizens who are nurtured in the spirit of Age Quod Agis by a community of formators in a relevant learning environment with programs at par with modern trends.
High Horizons Learning Center provides access to effective quality teaching and warm supportive environment that enables the students to achieve excellence, develop Filipino and Christian values, and gain the passion to serve.
Core Values:
High Horizons Learning Center aims to mold children who have the passion to contribute to the nation with the help of school administrators, teachers, and parents who are:
Competent in their work
Conscientious in their actions
Compassionate to others
Committed in their mission in life
and who love our Country.
These are the same values we hope to inculcate in the children through modeling and example.
​Welcome to our school and we hope that you can share with us the HiHo excellence and tradition we are very proud of. We also hope that you can be part of our growing community. Visit us and learn more about the best school in our community.
John Davies Vardeleon, LPT, MEd